Monday, January 22, 2007

MIRACLE - I'm getting the Reader's Digest for Free!!!

Do you believe in all the Miracle articles they publish? And those that show the value of Prayer? Its conservative, right wing focus?

I stopped paying for my subscription 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 years ago, yet it keeps coming every month. Of course, when I stopped paying they called and sent many months of letters, offering me just one more last chance. Then about six months ago I got another raft of last chance letters, but here it is today, like every month still coming.

So if you subscribe already, you might as well try this. You will still be paying too much if this causes you or any of your unsuspecting kin to waste time reading it. And perhaps if you are really, really lucky or pray hard enough they will actually cut you off.

For a really needy person, I would offer to change the address on my free subscription, yet I could not bare the guilt -- not for ripping off the magazine -- but the responsibility for someone reading this trash.

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